about me

Looking for healhy, plant based recipes? I created this blog so I could share my plant based, whole food, vegan and vegetarian recipes. As you are on this page, I guess you want to find out about me. What was the idea behind my blog? What kind of person am I?

I love cooking since I was a toddler. Mum has been telling me off for the mess I‘ve used to make while I was in the kitchen. She hasn‘t been very impressed with that. Even though I was clearing up after myself, obviously not up to mum‘s standards. I have left my passion for cooking for that reason for a while, but it remained a hidden passion. I love cooking, experimenting and trying different dishes in restaurants. Why restaurants? Because cooking is an art, and every passionate chef is an artist. What is your favorite dish you’ve tried in a restaurant? Have you ever tried to recreate its taste at home?

Actually, we all do some miracles in our kitchen. Each mother, father, grandma or grandpa is the greatest creator. What is your favorite dish from your childhood? Do you remember?

Plant based food recipes from the old magazines

Why “Kayla Magazine”, not Kayla’s kitchen, cuisine or something similar? My grandma had a magazine subscription these days. I used to go through its pages and always found tasty recipes. You definitely know all those beautiful photos in the magazines. I just had to try everything. During the holidays I made lemon cake in my teenage years while visiting my grandma. I can still taste it. The lemon cream was so mellow melting in my mouth… or cream sweets, banana butter. These tasty memories were torturing me. You won’t believe me,  I saved all my childhood recipes in a scrapbook and made these recipes again. So thats how Kayla magazine was born. Day by day I will share all of them with you in my plant based food magazine.

Love for cooking and nature is my key to health and happiness

Do you know my greatest secret? I always cook with love and passion. Plus, I use eggs from my grandma‘s farm. Apples, pears, plums, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs that are grown in my garden. I respect nature. I buy only organic produce from farmers, seeds from local farms, and only cold-pressed oils.
My homemade whole food is way healthier, so I’m teaching my kids that. Home cooked food is always the best. You would never find such taste in the store, as making it at home and using the best ingredients. You can‘t get such fresh healthy food.
These dishes are not just healthy, but also incredibly delicious. Have you ever tried cold-pressed oil? Organic food goes off much quicker than chemically treated fruits and vegetables, but when the dish is tasty, there are no leftovers. We eat all at once. Food should be like that. It should be healthy, tasty, grown naturally, not treated with chemicals and give us lots of energy. That’s the point.

Why do I cook at home – no fear to fail

Cooking makes me happy. I feel joy after I create something really delicious. Don‘t be afraid to fail. Sometimes it takes me five or six attempts to cook the dish the way I want it to be. The way it should be. After that I stuck, as I just want to eat it again and again as it is so tasty.
The best bonus is my kids’ emotions “Mmm, how tasty. You are the best chef, mom! Where did you learn to cook so well?“ That makes my heart sing. Every action performed with love and passion always pays off.
Food with gourmet tastes has always been my favorite. Now I am obliged to cook every day as I have my own kitchen and three mean critics in my house. As all moms do. Next, I invite you to explore my food habits.

About me and my everyday diet

I don‘t eat meat since childhood. Just didn’t find it tasty. My great grandma was the finest cook. No one comes even close to her cooking. Her secret was love. You could smell it from a mile. Even now, I still have a taste in my mouth. I had to taste roast duck or chicken with apples, because the smell was divine. Even though I am not a meat eater. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, soups, cookies. She spoiled me often and used to say: „My dear child, you won‘t have energy if you don‘t eat meat“. It wasn’t right. I am strong and full of energy. I used to think how do cows, pigs, chickens stay alive? They are not meat eaters. My blood results are great and I am healthy. I feel better than ever.

What the heck are these vegans?

I never thought about the meaning of the word “vegan”. I thought „What a strange and difficult word. Who are these vegans, what do they do, how do they live?“. After doing research I‘ve understood I am vegan. But it is not difficult. What do I eat? Everything in the store except meat, eggs and dairy. My diet is tasty, nutritious, lively like the rainbow colours.
My personal trainer gave me a diet plan. He instructed me to eat egg whites and unsalted boiled chicken breast. Can you imagine the taste… hmm… There was no taste at all. All plants have different tastes. They can be raw, boiled, roasted, fried or mixed. They will always be tasty.
Lively food with hundreds of flavors and aftertastes is the right choice for a man who loves tasting. I still remember that sports nutrition plan as a bleak and gray experience. The feeling inside when I was eating such food was also unrefreshing.

My path to a healthy lifestyle

I‘ve had lots of challenges in my life, in a negative sense. My body was exhausted due to trauma. I had to take lots of medications. That caused me even more health problems. My liver was burning. I felt every bite of food I ate. The pain was killing me. After a couple of years I completed a 30-day water-only fast. Things got better after that. Now I eat 90% raw food. I enjoy sneaky treats on weekends or birthdays. I do cheat days if I want to. In the end, I learned how to pick a good food. I like to feel good, energetic, to be in a good mood and to feel like a superman. Does diet affect this? Without a doubt.

I listen to my body

I learned how to feel myself, to feel my body talk and signs. How do I feel after trying one or another food. What does my body say? Do I want to climb a mountain or do I want to be a couch potato and sleepy? Food should give us energy. People should not consume food grown with pesticides or made using chemicals, parabens, E‘s, etc. Wanna know why?

Food = energy

We feel lethargic after eating such meals, because our body has to absorb and clean it. Food should give us energy. Organs are too busy fighting toxins, so it uses lots of our energy. That is the reason we feel tired after a meal. I try to choose organic fruits and vegetables wherever possible. Here, I will be sharing all the recipes I eat every day. I don‘t limit myself and don‘t belong to any cliché. Besides, I don’t call myself vegetarian, vegan or anything else. I am a gourmand. I enjoy cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. When I want I eat meat or milk products. It happens once or twice a year. I eat vegetables and seeds mainly. I enjoy trying food from all over the world. It has so many distinct and new tastes.

Hope you will find recipes suitable to your taste, for your healthy lifestyle, holidays and everyday use. That’s it about me. It’s my honor to have you here. I invite you to take a look at my kitchen and try my homemade whole food recipes. Thanks for stopping by.

Love you


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